We are big fans of Mr and Mrs Books and right now they taking mid-year pre-orders. This is a great chance to stock up on Traditional Chinese children's books that have been out of stock. I'll be sharing what's in my haul and also some favorites that we currently own.
ㄅㄆㄇ Children's Resources
Jie jie has been very excited about learning ㄅㄆㄇ recently because of Fei Fei's Kids class (promo code: culturetatertots for 5% off!). I ordered these resources to help continue to foster her learning!
Lunar New Year Children's books
十二生肖的故事 Story of the Zodiac - We LOVE books illustrated by 賴馬! There's so much detail and humor in the illustrations. He loves to put easter eggs in each book with characters from other books!
Other Mandarin Kid's Books in my haul
Seven little mice series - this series brings back childhood memories! We had a few of these books growing up.
Books we own and love!
Food Superman reading pen - both kids have been obsessed with this book! We had it for years and it's still going strong.
勇敢小火車 Brave Little Train - Mama train broke down, Carl the little brave train took on a big delivery mission! This book talks about perserverance and overcoming fear!
朱瑞福的游泳課 Geoffrey's Swim Class - Geoffrey takes a swim class and just cannot figure it out. He never gives up and eventually learns how to swim!
大腳丫跳芭蕾 Bigfoot Ballerina - Belinda was a ballerina with big feet. She was laughed at by judges telling her feet are two big to dance. She was discouraged but eventually finds her way back to ballet and learns to disregard the critics.
Little Agent on a Mission: Seek and find series with audio pen - use promo code TATERTOTS for discount!
SMART Box Activities Set - use promo code TATERTOTS for discount!
Post includes affiliate links. I earn a small commission paid by the retailer. Happy shopping!